Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

You've just received yet another rejection letter. You want to pump yourself back up, put a brave face on and try again, but honestly your confidence is shattered. You feel like you might not ever find another job.

You've officially become your own worst enemy.

A prolonged job search can take its toll on you -- undermining your self-assurance and fueling your desperation. If you're feeling defeated, use these ideas to overcome anxiety and depression during a long job search:

Stick to a Routine

A job loss can also feel like a loss of a piece of your identity. Floating through your days aimlessly will only invite more anxiety and depression. Having a set daily schedule will help you stay on track with your job search efforts and give you the same sense of purpose you had when you were employed.

Keep a Negativity-Free Zone

Limit your television and Internet viewing or any other anxiety triggers, such as social media. Viewing news stories about dips in the job market can make you feel even more hopeless and depressed. Instead, lift your spirits with positive people and inspirational/educational materials.

Get Moving

Step away from the computer and perform some type of physical activity every day. Exercise has been shown to release chemicals in the brain to boost mood, and give you more energy to accomplish your job search. Plus, physical activity can regulate sleep patterns -- one of the first things to suffer during periods of anxiety.

Change Your Mantra

Switch up the conversation you have in your mind in regards to your job search. When anxious thoughts are running through your head, such as, "No one will ever hire me, it's too competitive and hopeless out there," have a mantra prepared to bring your psyche back down to reality. For example, calm yourself down after a rejection with the reminder, "It can take multiple rejections to get to the one job offer, but it will eventually come if I keep trying."

Decide to Maintain Control

A job loss can be particularly disheartening because it is so out of our control. Take back your power and assume responsibility wherever you can in your job search. If an interview doesn't pan out into a job offer, ask for feedback. If you start feeling overwhelmed, consciously decide to distract yourself with an uplifting activity. Challenge yourself to come up with solutions, no matter how seemingly trivial, to things that trigger your depression.

Set Goals

Quantify your job search efforts, setting specific goals on activities and outcomes. At the start of each week, make a list of activities you want to accomplish. Make a predetermined number of networking phone calls, spend a certain amount of time tweaking your resume, etc. With a plan, you'll be way more effective than if you just "wing" your job search each day. Not only will you stay motivated, you'll feel a sense of purpose and keep on track.

Ask for Help

Don't try to go at it alone -- ask for the help you need. Whether it's a new perspective, feedback on your resume or even just a caring ear to listen, a social support system can prevent anxiety from getting the best of you during a prolonged job search. Plus, you never know when someone will give you the tip that finally opens the door to getting a new job!

Get Inspired

What opens your mind and flows your creative juices? Being outdoors in nature, enjoying a novel, baking a new recipe? Whatever your creative source, schedule time for it regularly...even if it doesn't seem to be job-search related. Once the creativity flood gates open, they'll spill into other aspects of your life -- you could brainstorm the idea that lands you a job.

Find a Career Partner

Open your job search options with the help of staffing and recruiting services. A reputable agency can be a true career partner:

  • Get access to unlisted job opportunities, so you'll cut down on your competition.
  • Keep your skills up-to-date -- and acquire new ones -- with temporary/contract positions.
  • End the gap on your resume by working on assignment until you find a direct position.
  • Earn a paycheck while continuing your search for work.
  • Boost your confidence and lift your spirits by staying productive and focused on your ultimate goal -- finding a great new job.

If your job search has you down, don't go it alone. Contact us today!

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
Opti Staffing Group