Bored to Tears? Let's Change That!

Can't wait to use all of the great new skills and ideas you've learned?

You may have to.

When you're just starting out in a field, your first job may involve a lot of entry-level "grunt work." But if you find yourself stuck in a mediocre position that doesn't challenge you, don't just "phone it in." Do these things to rock even the most boring job, so you can move onto bigger and better things.

Treat Yourself Like a Professional

It's easy to become lackadaisical in a boring new job where you don't get to utilize any of your core skills and you feel underappreciated. What difference will it make if you don't iron your shirt or if you show up a couple of minutes late?

The truth is, the more you treat yourself as an unnoticeable grunt worker, the more you will be perceived that way by your superiors and colleagues. Dress the part, act the part, feel the part and then you will be the part. Be what you aspire to be and you put yourself one step closer to a fulfilling career.

Make the Most of Your Opportunities

Choosing the title of an article or where your company should host its annual Christmas party may not seem like much, but making the most of the responsibilities you have will go a long way towards improving your job satisfaction. Consistently executing these smaller tasks well will also show your boss that you are ready for bigger responsibilities and even a promotion down the line.

Volunteer Your Talents

Using your expertise is always a great way to stay engaged while also keeping your skills sharp. It's never a bad thing to build your professional portfolio and show off your chops to your employer.

Maintain the Vision

School provides clear timelines, benchmarks and goals to keep you focused. When you're stuck in the trenches of filing, assembly or other repetitive jobs, however, you may lose sight of what your career goals are. So if you find yourself feeling stuck or lost, take a step back and revisit your vision for your career. Create your own benchmarks and timelines to keep you on pace for achieving your career goals. And when you're feeling uninspired, consider the ways in which the experience you are gaining (however small) and the connections you are making in this position can prepare you for your next step.

Exhaust All of Your Resources

Think about the wealth of knowledge that surrounds your company. Between your co-workers and the organizations that your company affiliates with, there is bound to be information that is pertinent to your career aspirations or interests. Being inquisitive could get you switched to a more interesting department or land you an interview with a company that more aligns with your skill set.

Find a Mentor

When you work for a big corporation, chances are there are many people within your company who have been in your shoes. Ask your boss to pair you with someone who can help you jump-start your professional development.

Develop Skills That Are Transferable

To prepare yourself for a better position, focus on gaining skills and experience now that can be useful in your next job. This is often hard to do when you are stuck doing grunt work, so you may have to get creative. Ask around and try to get assigned to more useful projects where you can develop transferable skills like:

  • Communication
  • Self-confidence/assertiveness
  • Time/project management
  • Critical thinking/problem solving
  • Ability to work well as part of a team
  • Listening/empathy

Don't Forget About Yourself

When your job is humdrum, it's easy to let it get to you. You may start to question your abilities or your career path. It may suck away the energy you have to do the things you love. Make sure that you are still carving out time for yourself and your loved ones. This may even include little mini-breaks at work to keep your spirits high throughout the workday.

Of course navigating a boring entry-level job is easier said than done, but if you treat it like a valuable piece to your career puzzle, it will make it easier to get out of bed every morning. You will also find that your positivity and integrity get you further faster.

Stuck in an Uninspiring Job? Let's Change That!

Staffing firms provide valuable resources to help you get unstuck:

  • career advice to help you determine where your strengths lie and how best to use them;
  • confidential job search assistance to complement your own search efforts;
  • transitional opportunities to help you change your direction to a more promising career path; and
  • challenging assignments to help you build transferable job skills.

Ready to start a conversation that will help you move onto bigger and better things? Contact a qualified staffing service like Opti Staffing Group today!

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
Opti Staffing Group